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Showing posts from April, 2019

Marian Wright Edelman on Education and Community

Churchill on Opportunity

Sunrise and Sunset on the Jersey Shore

Coretta Scott King on Women and the soul of a nation.

Maya on Light

Remember Your Why?

The meaning of #life

Teachers Transform #Life

What happens to a Dream deferred?

Happy Easter and Happy Passover

Beyoncé - Driven Performers Prepare

#beyoncé rehearsed for 8 months for a two hour show. Created to share the #HBCU #Homecoming experience.  The documentary is now on #Netflix. 

Serving Community- Serving People

Rumi on transformation of oneself

Life - The balance of Money and Knowledge

Digital Disruptors

From Social media to Social impact

Social Media, Technology and Change

The Future of Work

The Future is Unscaled by Taneja

Seneca on Fate

The Road Not Taken

J P Morgan in expectations

John D. Rockefeller on Good to Great

Warren Buffet on reputation

Marcus Aurelius on strength

Steve Jobs on Innovation

JFK on democracy, freedom and walls

Bill Gates on leadership and empowerment

Serena Williams on champions

On purpose and mission..